Even more evidence of the green energy grift

Even more evidence of the green energy grift

You know it in your gut. So do I. “Green energy” is a grift. At least in its current state. Renewables do not have the density or capacity to satisfy the energy needs of America in 2024. Solar panels and wind turbines are viable for individuals or small communities. When the sun is shining. Or the wind is blowing. And when the energy is being used at precisely the moment that the sun is shining and the wind is blowing. Otherwise, you’d have to store it. In batteries. With lithium mined from far off places, dug out of the ground with diesel equipment and transported here on diesel ships.

But that’s beside the point. Windmills and solar panels simply cannot compete with traditional fossil fuels on a large scale. And yet, politicians and corporations continue to push for their widespread adoption, often at the expense of taxpayers and consumers.

But why? Why are we being sold this false dream of clean energy when it is not yet a viable solution? The answer lies in money and power. Renewable energy is a multi-billion dollar industry, with government subsidies and tax breaks driving its growth. It also allows companies to brand themselves as environmentally conscious and socially responsible, boosting their image and potentially attracting more customers.

Unfortunately, this has led to an over-saturation of the market, with many companies prioritizing profit over real progress towards sustainable energy. Just my two-cents worth.

Here’s what I am reading: Gone with the New York Wind in the op-ed pages of the Wall Street Journal. My five-bullet-point summary:

  • Despite the government’s best attempts to boost offshore wind projects in New York with generous subsidies, the projects seem to be struggling with unforeseen challenges.
  • Proving that not all wind blows in the right direction, three wind projects were unceremoniously scrapped due to escalating costs and persistent technical gremlins.
  • Adding yet another twist to this wind-blown saga is turbine manufacturer GE Vernova, who apparently missed the memo on the need for turbines to actually run these projects.
  • In an ironic turn of events, GE’s renewable business, which should ideally be flourishing under this subsidized wind regime, reported losses last year. Clear skies are not in the forecast, it seems.
  • No amount of tax credits and subsidies have been able to overcome the gusty challenges and snafus that seem to perpetually plague the turbine manufacturing industry for offshore wind projects.
Written by
Scott K. James
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This is a battle to the death with the anti-civilizational woke mind virus.

My positions are centrist:
- Secure borders
- Safe & clean cities
- Don’t bankrupt America with spending
- Racism against any race is wrong
- No sterilization below age of consent

Is this right-wing?

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