Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free...
Author - Scott K. James
Is Xcel afraid it will break?
I write this while looking out my study window. The trees are moving pretty good. A windstorm is...
The things we do for clicks…
I spent over 40-years of my life behind a microphone and with the exception of 3 of those years...
For all the talk about renewables, coal is still king
The Guv and the state legislature set many loft goals of 100% renewables by 2040. I agree with the...
One more fee scheme bypasses the voters to build the Guv’s...
I will be outspoken and critical of this piece of legislation – Senate Bill 24-184 is yet...
I couldn’t agree more with the Denver Gazette…
In THIS EDITORIAL from the Denver Gazette, they very adequately surmise my opinion on Senate Bill...
Data centers present a conflict for the left
I am all for data centers. High paying jobs. New economy. Fairly green. Or are they? HERE IS an...
R’s use ‘RINO’ the same way D’s use...
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names shall never hurt me. Every third-grader, ever...
Pocket Christianity
In transparency – my prayer life stinks. I try. I fail. My mind wanders and drifts. So I use...
Advice to an 18-year-old
Julie and I were married a little later in life. I was 34 and she was 33 when we entered our union...