First, a couple of random thoughts:

  1. As mentioned, I am reading the Bible in a year. Make that 18 or maybe 20 months. I’ll get done when I get done. In that study, I read so many things that apply to today and things I want to share with you. I guess that’s the point – the Bible truly is written for application in our lives at the time we live. It’s timeless.
  2. This website was always meant to be more about social and political commentary – a sort of public OneNote for your consideration and my later reference. It was never meant to be “preachy.” Yet that’s all I seem to write about – the Bible and my walk with Christ. Please know that I am not preaching – I have neither the knowledge or the authority to do that. I simply am excited and I want to share what I read and what I learn with you, my friend.
  3. I hear from more and more of you, both directly and through friends and family, that you enjoy my postings here. I am humbled that you enjoy and are moved by my writings and very infrequent recordings. Please do not hesitate in contacting me directly – or via phone/text at 970-227-8386 – or by leaving comment in the space below each post. Thank you for reading/listening.
  4. I am still hesitant – more candidly, I am fearful (what would Jesus have to say about that?! “Do not be afraid” is mentioned in the Bible 365 times) of truly committing to these writings and recordings. Daily content creation takes commitment – it’s hard work. I don’t want what I write and record to be noise and contribute to the massive word soup in which we all seem to swim. I want it to be impactful. Applicable. I want to seek the truth – God’s truth – and to help rebuild trust – in our institutions and in one another. I have heard it said that there is no longer truth in the public square. That breaks my heart. I want my words to be truthful and rebuild trust, not to add to the discord. So I am hesitant – cautious – even fearful.

And in classic “me” fashion, I have burned a few hundred words before I have even begun to address the reason I took to my keyboard this AM. I am studying the book of Matthew and just read through Chapter 26. Just in this one chapter Peter 1) Sleeps through Jesus’ agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, 2) whips out his sword and takes off some guy’s ear as he defends Jesus’ life at the time of His arrest, and 3) denies Jesus three times.

While the Apostle Paul is my favorite writer, Peter is my favorite fella. Of all the mighty people depicted in God’s Word, Peter and I could have hung out. I relate to him. Bold, brash, impulsive. Just like me. If Peter was in, he was all in. Just like me.

When seeing his Lord and friend walking to the disciples on water, Peter decided he just couldn’t wait to be with his Pal, so he hopped out of the boat and went toward Him. Peter walked on water! He actually did it until he took his eyes off Jesus and put them on the storm. Then down he went – and Jesus had to bail him out. Again.

In his life, there is no doubt that Peter acted before he thought. Me, too. His mouth likely got him in trouble. Me, too. He bit off more than he can chew. Me, too. He said ‘yes’ when he didn’t have time. He spoke up when he should have been silent. He claimed he could when he probably couldn’t. Me, too. He sinned and fell short of the glory of God. Me, too. God used him in spite of himself. Me, too.

While I have read the story of Peter’s denial of Jesus many times, reading it this morning rocked me to my core because I read it differently. I related. Jesus told Peter that he would deny Him. Nope! Peter got defensive. He could not fathom any circumstance in which he would deny his Lord and his friend. And then he did. I wept along with my Biblical friend, relating to how it feels to so utterly, completely fail. And not just an “oops” kind of mistake. A true failure – a betrayal of one’s own values and principles. Peter experienced that kind of failure. Me, too.

Here’s the Good News – there is forgiveness, rebuilding, and restoration in the One who pulls us out of the drink. Again. Every time. Jesus loved Peter. He loves us. He’s all in, paying a higher price than any of us can fathom. Jesus knew Peter would betray Him, just like he knows that you and I have, and will continue, to colossally screw up. But He loves us any way because we bare the image of His Father.

What did Jesus see in a cocky fisherman that made Him think, “on this rock I will build my church and all the powers of hell will not conquer it?” I take great comfort in my kinship with Peter because his life serves as a reminder to me that Jesus does not seek perfection. Why does He need what He Himself already is?

No, Jesus does not seek perfection. He seeks people who are willing to believe, submit, follow, and be forever changed by unfailing love, mercy, and grace. While perhaps not fully advisable (it can get you in trouble with your wife, not that I know from personal experience or anything like that), impulsively going all in can be okay when you’re doing it for Him. Being a follower who sometimes fails is better than failing to follow.

In times when I am feeling confident and semi-okay about myself, I consider myself a servant leader. So “following” is a bit antithetical to my inclination to lead. But for me and those like me, a lesson can be learned from my Biblical buddy, Peter: Jesus first words to the fisherman Simon Peter were, “Come, follow me.” Before He ascended to glory, Jesus’ last words to His rock, Peter, were “follow me.”

Okay. I’m all in.

About the author

Scott K. James

A 4th generation Northern Colorado native, Scott K. James is a veteran broadcaster, professional communicator, and principled leader. Widely recognized for his thoughtful, common-sense approach to addressing issues that affect families, businesses, and communities, Scott, his wife, Julie, and son, Jack, call Johnstown, Colorado, home. A former mayor of Johnstown, James is a staunch defender of the Constitution and the rule of law, the free market, and the power of the individual. Scott has delighted in a lifetime of public service and continues that service as a Weld County Commissioner representing District 2.

Comments on Peter

  • Molly

    I have watched The Chosen and it has helped make the bible alive. I am going to Chosen Con in Florida next week. I am looking forward to being with so many Christians from all over.