Today is the first day of summer. The longest day of the year. The day of my peak happiness and my wife’s peak misery (she hates summer – weirdo). We’re having Manhattans under the pergola. I’m enjoying a Perdomo 20th Anniversary. After a cocktail and two-thirds of a stick, I get introspective.

I asked my wife, “Does what I do matter?”

“Of course it matters,” she scoffed.

I’m a Weld County Commissioner. I’ll bet you a dollar that the bulk of you don’t know what a Commissioner even does. I could go deep in the weeds, quick, about my daily endeavors and tasks.

But let me try to be simplistic: I’m your representative in Weld County government. I try – every day – to help people. Within the bounds of the authority granted to me by the people of Weld County, I endeavor to make sure Weld County effectively, affordably, and responsibly provides services to its residents.

But does it matter?

From this point, my Cigar Story has multiple parts. I’ll try to very briefly surmise.

Part 1: I am reading Willie Robertson’s Gospeller. I was never much a Duck Dynasty fan, but I do like what the Robertson family stands for. This book is amazing. For a bearded Louisianan redneck, this man is deep. And his sole focus – spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and bringing people to the Lord.

His book has convicted me. Now, more than ever, I want to be a Gospeller, too.

Part 2: Many military, law enforcement, and elected public servants collect challenge coins. I do, too. I am starting my second display box in my office, filled with coins from LEOs, active and former military, and other “electeds.” The Weld Commissioners have a challenge coin and I have tried to slip one to folks I encounter throughout my travels. I’m darn near out.

Part 3: In as much as I have a challenge coin, I carry a “pocket cross” – daily. In fact, I carry two. That tiny, wooden cross in my pocket brings me solace when times get tough and it reminds me of The One to whom I belong.

If I encounter someone who the Spirit tells me might be encouraged by the gesture, I give them that second cross. I tell them that, “Jesus has their soul and I have their back.” I have brought a few guys to tears. Admittedly, that’s kinda fun. Through the years, I have wondered if that cross mattered to them – but that’s just my ego being curious.

God knows, and that’s all that matters.

Back to my pergola and my Perdomo and my favorite day of the year. Shortly after I asked my wife if what I did matters, I received this text from a friend who underwent surgery today…

Forgive me, God, for doubting your guidance in my life. What I – and you – do matters. My response…

My medicated and recovering brother in Christ is correct. Never doubt that what you do matters. Just do it with heart and to His glory. Willie Robertson reminded me in his Gospeller book of the words of my favorite author, Paul, who said…

“So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!””

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭20‬ ‭NLT‬‬

What you do matters. Someone, somewhere, is watching. Make sure your daily doldrums glorify the One who created the day.

If you ever want to chat about it, I’m a pergola and a Perdomo away. I’m happy to hear your story and, if you’d like, I’ll share mine. And if the Spirit so moves you, we’re just a garden hose baptism away from the Glory of God.

I love you. You matter. #PleaseDoGoodStuff.

P.S. What good is a Cigar Story without a Cigar Selfie?!

About the author

Scott K. James

A 4th generation Northern Colorado native, Scott K. James is a veteran broadcaster, professional communicator, and principled leader. Widely recognized for his thoughtful, common-sense approach to addressing issues that affect families, businesses, and communities, Scott, his wife, Julie, and son, Jack, call Johnstown, Colorado, home. A former mayor of Johnstown, James is a staunch defender of the Constitution and the rule of law, the free market, and the power of the individual. Scott has delighted in a lifetime of public service and continues that service as a Weld County Commissioner representing District 2.

Comments on Cigar Stories 2: What you do – it matters.

  • Lance Murray

    I think as men, we are wired or created to know that what we do matters. We wrap ourselves up in our professional lives. Our initial contact conversations begin with “so what do you do”. But our self image in Gods eyes is so much more. Our jobs are but tiny part of the bigger picture. We once were warriors going off to battle(Wild at Heart). Today, not so much. The battle remains, but most men have withdrawn from the battle. I’m glad to see you are still engaged Scott. Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Move forward with the full armor of God because……….. what we do matters.

  • Molly

    I guess I am a weirdo too Julie because I don’t like Summer, ha. I too wonder if what I have done matters. That text definitely answered your question. Getting caught up on all your writing!