A reminder to both of us: Posts here are often times more a reminder and encouragement for me. Hopefully you are encouraged, too.

Too often, I get run down pursuing what I think I want and my family wants and my constituents want and what I believe the community wants. But as my grandfather used to say, “there is a difference between a want and a need.” True dat.

We (meaning I – and you, too) must trust that God knows and will provide for our needs. Regardless of our current situation, God and his precious Son, Jesus, are more than enough for us. God’s love is enough. God’s provision is enough. God’s presence is enough.

Our (my) job is to surrender concerns about the future and truly embrace that God’s will is enough for today. No worries, just worship. Let’s pursue God and be confident that he will care for us.

A gentle reminder to me (and you, too, if you need reminded).

That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life – whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing?

Jesus, in Matthew 6:25

About the author

Scott K. James

A 4th generation Northern Colorado native, Scott K. James is a veteran broadcaster, professional communicator, and principled leader. Widely recognized for his thoughtful, common-sense approach to addressing issues that affect families, businesses, and communities, Scott, his wife, Julie, and son, Jack, call Johnstown, Colorado, home. A former mayor of Johnstown, James is a staunch defender of the Constitution and the rule of law, the free market, and the power of the individual. Scott has delighted in a lifetime of public service and continues that service as a Weld County Commissioner representing District 2.