Jesus and the Average Joe

It’s like Paul wrote Romans last week

Sculpture of Apostle Paul near St Peter Basilica
Written by Scott K. James

I’ve read the Bible for as long as I can remember. It started with the King James classic mom had in the house. It continued with my own King James version given to me by Reverend Phillips of the LaSalle Presbyterian church when I graduated high school. After I accepted Christ, I was given a Bible – a NIV version – and it changed the way I read scripture. Suddenly without the “thees” and the “thous,” the Bible made more sense – it took on more life!

For the last 25-years, I have read and studied out of that NIV Bible – over the last five or six years I have used the Bible app on my phone and iPad. One of the many neat things about that app is that you can readily switch back-and-forth between translations. Lately, I have been studying Romans. Even with the more modern language of the NIV, I sometimes struggle. I’m a pretty plain-spoken guy and the language of Paul’s era was just different.

I decided to flip over to the Message (MSG) version and the Bible again took on new life. I know “The Message” has been controversial, but when you read Paul’s words in more modernized language and using a 2022 lens, it’s like he wrote Romans last week. Read Romans 1: 18-32 and then take a look at a bit of today’s news.

First, the Word…

But God’s angry displeasure erupts as acts of human mistrust and wrongdoing and lying accumulate, as people try to put a shroud over truth.From Romans Chapter 1 (MSG)

Now the news…

Appearing on stage in a forum last week, progressive Georgia Democrat and Gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams declared, “There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks. It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman’s body.”

Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams: “There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks. It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman’s body.”

REMINDER: Abrams supports NO LIMITS on abortion.— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 22, 2022

Just look at those folks on stage nodding in agreement. Manufactured?! By whom?! It’s a conspiracy theory, right?! No, it’s not. “A fetal heartbeat can be detected by a vaginal ultrasound at between 5 1/2 and 6 1/2 weeks, when the fetal pole can be seen,” according to the American Pregnancy Association. But facts can be fluid with some – in response to Abrams comments, Planned Parenthood decided to remanufacturer their definition to match Abrams comments

…as people try to put a shroud over the truth.”

First the word…

Refusing to know God, they soon didn’t know how to be human either—women didn’t know how to be women, men didn’t know how to be men.Romans Chapter 1: 26 (MSG)

Now the news…

…women didn’t know how to be women, men didn’t know how to be men.

First the word…

Sexually confused, they abused and defiled one another…Romans 1: 27 (MSG)

Now the news…

Sexually confused, they abused and defiled one another…

Paul was nearly a prophet…

As the things he wrote about in Romans have come to bear today. Of course, they were prevalent in his era, too. Why? Because man is fallen. We are in this world, not of it.

But we must stand. If it is evil, we must call on Him to declare it evil. You haven’t changed. I haven’t changed. Yet we stand by and watch society decay. We can no longer accept that which is evil – it must be called out! And know that the answers don’t necessarily lie in government. They lie in first changing the hearts of people, and only the love of Jesus Christ can do that.

So, we must hold people accountable – with love – and work to drive out the evil in this world. Read the Bible and apply a 2022 lens. You’ll see that the time to act is now.

About the author

Scott K. James

A 4th generation Northern Colorado native, Scott K. James is a veteran broadcaster, professional communicator, and principled leader. Widely recognized for his thoughtful, common-sense approach to addressing issues that affect families, businesses, and communities, Scott, his wife, Julie, and son, Jack, call Johnstown, Colorado, home. A former mayor of Johnstown, James is a staunch defender of the Constitution and the rule of law, the free market, and the power of the individual. Scott has delighted in a lifetime of public service and continues that service as a Weld County Commissioner representing District 2.